Code and DevOps

This track is focused on developers and the back-end technologies to deal with today’s and future challenges. With the coming release of Drupal 8, as well as emerging Web technologies, preparation is essential. These sessions will help you learn how to deliver effective solutions to meet these needs.

The Migrate Module - Moving into your New Digs

Nearly everyone nowadays has a website, so when you want to switch platforms, how do you get your old content into the new system? In Drupal, the most powerful way to move your it is the Migrate module. More like a framework than a module, Migrate gives you a great way to move content into Drupal. Migrate has a bit of a learning cliff, er, curve, but once you figure out it's approach, it can make moving a lot of content so much easier.

Testing with Robots

Production is on fire. You tested yesterday's release, and it was fine. How did this happen?

Maybe it was a simple typo. Maybe it was caused by a core or module upgrade. Regardless, there was a regression. How do you stop this from happening again? Robots.

Robots are your friends! Let us show you how robots can remove the drugery and tedium from testing, create stability and consistency, and inspire confidence! 

Custom Code the Drupal Way

Embrace the “Drupal Way”. It won’t give you abs or make you a millionaire (well…), but it can make writing custom Drupal code a reasonable endeavor. Drupal provides you, the developer, tools to solve your problems.

Want decoupled and maintainable code? Write a module and keep that logic out of your theme.

Focuses on Drupal 7 with some Drupal 8.

This session will cover:

Building Realtime Applications with Drupal and Node.js

Call it the "appification" of the web. Users' expectations are being pushed in the direction of being able to interact with sites and content not by clicking a link or refreshing the page but by having those changes come directly to them. Think Google Mail or Facebook or Twitter, updates that engage the user when they happen rather than waiting for them to have to keep checking back. With Drupal 8 having a first class REST interface a world of opportunities open up. Unfortunately PHP isn't always the best language for this sort of behavior.

Security and Scanning - an Open Source Approach

All three branches of the Federal Government  and many state and local governments are turning to Drupal to provide a cost-effective and secure internet presence. For some, applying the most recent Security updates to the Operating System and Drupal core and its contributed modules is enough assurance of security. Others demand automated vulnerability management tools, such as provided by the Security Content and Automation Protocol (SCAP).

Drupal Next Generation Search

Historically, having a free and open source local search engine on your site has generally meant limiting your search capabilities to rigid UI, simple key word indexes, and muddled results, leaving you to yearn for the sophistication and polish of the commercial and proprietary search solutions.

Drupal and Solr Search: A Powerful Marriage

In this hands on session, attendees will learn how to setup and integrate Drupal with the Apache Solr search engine.  We’ll discuss advanced Solr setup, inclusion of advanced facets, and other advanced elements that create a great search experience on Drupal/Solr websites. We will also discuss the advantages of using additional tools, such as Tika, with Solr to improve performance and to index documents like PDFs.


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