Features - structured development and deployment

07/22/2015 - 15:00-07/22/2015 - 15:45
Balcony B
Experience level: 
Session Track: 

Site Building

Learn how to leverage the flexibility of Drupal to deliver experiences in nearly limitless ways. See how you are able to do this—often without code and relying on the ever-expanding universe of contributed modules.


This presentation will provide a brief overview of features, rules of thumb for naming conventions and features structure while highlighting the strengths and trouble spots. The goal is to provide theory and examples on how to leverage features as a foundation for implementing complex recipes of modules that support business and technical requirements. The foundation provides a means to reliably deploy and rollback feature sets into existing production environments while promoting more team oriented collaboration.

While it isn't required it is recommended that attendees have some Drupal development experience and have familiarity with building custom modules. The larger portion of the presentation will focus on theory, planning, and usage scenarios for features with a few antidotes thrown in.