How to Jump On and Off a Moving Train

Experience level: 
Session Track: 

Business and Strategy

The purpose of this track is two-fold - one angle helps you to understand the advantages of Drupal from an organizational leadership angle and the other is to highlight the great Drupal sites and projects you're working on and to show what's possible. These sessions are business focused, and will be non-technical.


The ideal project is one where everyone on the team starts at the very beginning and moves through the project from start to finish. But there are plenty of times where this doesn't happen because of resource availability, increase or decrease of scope, and/or people joining or leaving the company. So how do you keep a project's velocity moving and not affect the budget when you have resources coming on and off a project mid-stream? This presentation will talk about past experiences in dealing with situations such as these and how to make sure that your project is still successful and profitable along the way.