Volunteer Roles

Before you begin volunteering

Any questions about your role will be answered here.  

Room Monitor Volunteers


  • Check in at Helpdesk 5-10 minutes before session starts
  • Take a gender count 15-minutes into the session
  • Turn headcount in to helpdesk.

Help Desk Volunteers


  • Go to the registration help desk 5-10 minutes before shift start
  • Answer questions, collect Lost+Found items. Familiarize yourself with the venue, including bathrooms, exits, food/beverage stations
  • Familiarize yourself with the Conference Guide; be able to help people find session rooms

Registration Volunteers


  • Check attendees in using online system
  • Distrbute Drupal GovCon badges
  • Give attendee t-shirt ticket and direct them upstairs for t-shirts

Keynote Volunteers


  • Ensure keynote speakers are in place immediately after arrival
  • Ensure technical equipment is functioning and speakers know how to use it
  • Coordinate with sound booth, if appropriate (any audio/video other than the microphones)
  • Ensure mic stands are available in auditorium for questions
  • Cue keynote with minutes left during keynote session

Signage Volunteers


  • Should be comfortable carrying and lifting moderately heavy items.
  • Assemble and place signage throughout venue as directed.

Clean Up Crew Volunteers


  • Remove all signage
  • Ensure exhibit area is broken down (vendors should remove things themselves)

Lunch Volunteers


  • Stand next to the food lines checking to make sure everyone has a Drupal Badge and confirmation sticker/icon.
  • Walk the food lines to let everyone know they need a badge with confirmation sticker/icon and other logistics for lunch (portions and drinks).
  • Be courteous, but firm. Any complications or anyone without a badge who did register should go to the help desk.

Event Photographer


  • Takes random photos throughout the event