The Best Team Ever: Build a site you won't have to redo next year!

Session Track: 

Site Building

Learn how to leverage the flexibility of Drupal to deliver experiences in nearly limitless ways. See how you are able to do this—often without code and relying on the ever-expanding universe of contributed modules.

We all hate wasting money!  As Federal Government agencies we have to find a unique balance beween contractors/feds; coders/designers/users; communications/operations...  The key is to implement the right technolgies and expertise to derive a team that can work TOGETHER to build a site that your organization can use to reach it's audience now and in the future without the need for a major overhaul in 1-2 years.

Learn how HHS' Digital Communications Division put together a dynamic team of federal employees and contractors that work very closely together in all aspects of the project.  The make up and structure of this team makes it possible for us to embark on the ambitious project to leave behind a page based content mangement system and migrate to Drupal CMS so that we could implement a future proof, mobile first/responsive design with content that we can use across devices and platforms through the C.O.P.E. methodology.

Topics covered include:

  • Components of a great digital team
  • Contractor and fed roles: working together
  • Communications channels
  • Keeping track of project goal and target
  • Tracking the money and deliverables