Front-end, User Experience and Design

This track covers delivering projects focused on the most important audience—the end user. Learn how to leverage Drupal to help you keep abreast of emerging trends in the mobile, componentized Web world. We’ll show you strategies for fostering collaboration between content creators, designers, strategists, and end-users.

Section 508 and Usability

This session will be an overview of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and Usability.  How does Section 508 affect your environment?  How does Usability fit into the Section 508 environment? What do I need to know to help with implementing both of these?  How do I get the tools and resources I need to do this?  How do I find out the POCs that can help me?  And much, much more.

So don't miss this opportunity to come and learn more about Section 508 and usability and ask questions!


To the Pattern Lab! Better Collaboration in Drupal Using Atomic Design Principles

Learn how to use styleguide/prototyping tools like Pattern Lab to increase collaboration between designers, themers, developers, and your organization on Drupal projects. A focus on atomic design early on in a Drupal project improves workflow and efficiency for the whole team. A case study with USDA NIFA will be examined.

Drupal Theming: A Tale of Two Websites

Drupal developers have a wide array of choices when deciding how to theme a site. Options range from deploying an existing framework (e.g.  Bootstrap, or NodeJS), customizing a sub-theme or creating a theme from scratch.

This panel discussion will discuss the what-and-why behind choices made and the lessons learned for two sites managed by the Department of Health and Human Services: (entirely custom theme) and (Twitter Bootstrap framework).

Optimizing Structured Content in Drupal for Reuse, Search & Social Media

As many organizations migrate to Drupal as their Content Management System, it is imperative that they revisit their content strategy to fully take advantage of Drupal’s capabilities with a simple guiding principle in mind: Intelligent Content. Intelligent content is structurally rich and semantically categorized, making it more discoverable, reusable, reconfigurable, and adaptable.

User Centered Design and Customer Service Oriented Government

Federal websites are trending towards more open and user-oriented models thanks to the work of the Federal CIO office and its release of the Digital Services Playbook ( It’s an exciting time to working in this space; the government recognizes the need to adopt better practices and more robust solutions for digital work in the name of delivering good citizen services.


Make Them Click! Drupal Tricks for Better Forms

Even if you don’t run an e-commerce or advocacy site, you probably still have forms where not as many users click submit as you’d like. In this session, I’ll discuss the elements that make for an effective form — including the content surrounding the form, field labels, form layout, and the wording of the 'submit' button — and give some tips and tricks for tweaking your forms in Drupal. There will be some options for non-coders, and I promise to steer clear of marketing-speak terms like "conversion rate."


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