Business and Strategy

The purpose of this track is two-fold - one angle helps you to understand the advantages of Drupal from an organizational leadership angle and the other is to highlight the great Drupal sites and projects you're working on and to show what's possible. These sessions are business focused, and will be non-technical.

Migrating from Domino to Drupal: A Case Study

For years, the EPA used Domino Lotus Notes to create and publish its News Releases. Domino was slow, inefficient, and hard to customize. The Drupal "platform" afforded the EPA the opportunity to streamline and move its News Releases publication process into the Agency's Drupal WebCMS. It wasn't easy: we needed to find all of the technical boundaries, and we were also expected to match (and exceed) existing functionality. The project has two phases: a new content type with a multi-faceted search front end (lots of views) and a migration phase (it can be hard to extract data from Domino).

Growing Your Internal Drupal Team or Service Line

As Drupal has grown so have the companies that provide its services.  Almost all Drupal providers have started out as passionate development focus companies.  In this session I would like to talk about my experiences helping bring operations and business processes to a technology led organization.  Most Drupal companies were founded in passion for the technology.  As they have grown, there has been an increased need for passion in the business & operations roles that help convert Drupal Companies into Agencies.


Estimation - A science not an art

Everyone has been given a 2 paragraph document listing the "scope of services" for a potential project.  The client would like an estimate in 48 hours and there are no more details to help you deliver that required fixed bid contract.  At the same time, many teams have also been given (or created) a detailed PRD or backlog document and still had a project budget balloon out of control.  

Effective Web Content Management

Manage or support a website?  This session is for you!

Managing your content with Drupal is easy. However, creating great web content can still be a challenge for many, especially for those in the Federal Sector who may do web content as “other duties as assigned.” This session will discuss simple ways to create great content as well as improving your existing content. We will also discuss some simple ways you can simplify mundane tasks using Drupal (and how to write them up as requirements for your Drupal developers). 

How Drupal is Transforming Government

Drupal is quickly becoming the de facto standard platform for governments websites, from small towns to the White House. 

In this session we’ll explore how government agencies are using Drupal to connect citizens, streamline internal operations, increase communication, release open data, lower costs, improve security, and further their missions. Additionally, we’ll dive into the unique challenges and opportunities that exist in working with government agencies.


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