"...if we could get 200 Drupalers in a room and we could do an unconference?" And that was me, sitting under an escalator with my partners in crime coming up with the plan to do our first Capital Camp. Today, we planned for over 1000 attendees. But how did this happen?
This session will explain the process of planning a Drupal event from our wildly successful Half Days to our webinar series.We will touch on the following topics:
- Oh, God, NO, BUDGETS!
- Finding the mythical host space
- What an All VOLUNTEER team looks like
- Communication tools, tips and tricks
- Lack of Communication and failing up
- Website : we're all developers, so we all want to work on the website and none of us have the time.
- We'll close out this session with our roadmap to the future and beyond.
Expect to learn how to develop a camp, put it on, and find a way to rest, rinse and repeat. Our goal is to help you put on smaller local events where you live, because, wouldn't it be cool if...
Session Track
Community and Being Human