Drupal has emerged as a powerful platform to help governments successfully manage open data initiatives. The Drupal distribution DKAN is a community-driven open data platform with a full suite of data cataloging, publishing, and visualization features.
Used by countries worldwide - plus U.S. states and federal agencies, including HealthData.gov, the USDA's National Agricultural Library, and the State of California - DKAN is a powerful tool for governments of all sizes to directly open up their data for use by researchers, entrepreneurs, regulatory bodies and citizens.
DKAN includes robust web service APIs, built-in compliance with federal and international open data standards, customizable metadata schema mapping, workflow management, data harvesting, and more.
In this talk, we'll explore how organizations are leveraging DKAN to power global government open data efforts and see how it's being used to track school performance, report water quality levels, measure and reduce veteran suicide rates, preview complex geospatial data, empower scientists to perform and share groundbreaking research, and much more.
Learn how government agencies are sharing their ideas and data with one another to build a better world through the DKAN open data community, and how you can get involved.