Many times, team members feel like they can't mentor others unless they are a manager or a team lead. However, mentoring allows for growth of both senior team members and junior team members.
Mentors and mentees help each other see how the other can improve, mentors can help generate ideas, and mentors can provide the right balance of encouragement and "tough love." Both parties feeling empowered can benefit the cohesion of a team and generate new processes and ideas to help support a team and the business as a whole.
In this session, we'll discuss:
- Why is mentoring others important?
- What does each party get out of the mentoring relationship?
- How do you find a mentor and make sure it is the right fit?
- What are some good qualities of a mentor?
- What are some sample topics you can discuss during mentoring sessions?
- How do you put what you learn from your mentoring sessions into practice?
Session Track
Community and Being Human
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