Navigating Your Upgrade from Drupal 7

Presenters: ccrawley, briantschu

Are you ready to upgrade your organization’s Drupal 7 website? Now is a great time to get this ball rolling, as well as an opportunity to tackle your team’s larger website wishlists. 

Before actually embarking on your Drupal upgrade, take a step back to consider what works well on your current website, and what needs to improve in the next iteration. 

Specific items to consider are: 

  • What pain points do you have when it comes to editing content, creating landing pages with complex layouts, or reusing content. 
  • Are there any situations that have required you to “break the rules” to publish content using custom HTML
  • Have you had to get creative and use a content type for something other than what it was designed to do?
  • Have your content needs significantly changed since the site was built? What content do you wish you could publish but currently aren’t able to? 
  • Is there any functionality or content that exists on the site which you definitely don’t need anymore? 
  • What do you love about your current website that you want to replicate or expand on?
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Session Track
Site Building and Using Drupal