How do we know we are delivering the right things? How are we informing our customers of this work and getting their feedback effectively? How can we find out what will improve our product?
Session Archive
DevOps: the Onramp to Better Delivery Through Customer Satisfaction
Digging Into User Experience at Any Level
Sara is a Dayton, Ohio based software engineer, and program manager for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) where she works on open innovations.
Digital Asset Management: There’s No Place like EMERALD
Photos, and videos, and audio files, Oh My!
Finding a central location to store digital assets for an entire enterprise may seem like a long-shot, but we have the solution, and that solution is EMERALD.
Digital Renaissance: The Rebirth of
If you’re familiar with the Federal space, you’ve likely heard of The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery! The most import part of the project
When a project goes wrong, most of the time it fails as a result of mismatched expectations. This can be avoided in most situations by following a repeatable and thorough discovery process.
Diversity and Inclusion
Last year our keynote with Allyson Kapin and Sibyl Edwards highlighted the need for diversity in our industry. Our job is to shape experiences on the web.
DIY Drupal 8 for Site Builders
Follow Voters Pledge as it built an interactive Drupal 8 site using production-ready modules. Learn the basics of Composer and get an introduction to H5P interactive content.
Docksal: Better than VMs
Session Recording:
Drag & Drop Content Management For Government Websites
By combining design systems with Layout Builder and Drupal features such as blocks we can deliver a "Wix" like drag and drop experience to site builders tasked with managing Drupal 8/9 websites.
Drupal & USWDS: It’s Time to Get Things Started
This session will focus on integrating a custom Drupal sub-theme with the latest version of USWDS. We will cover configuring USWDS settings, Drupal theme settings, and adding custom styling.
Drupal 8 + D3 + Arduino = Monitoring Water Levels in Developing Countries
Most use Drupal as a content management system. But it’s a powerful data platform, and especially with D8 and other emerging technologies like Kaa, …
Drupal 8 consuming remote APIs
REST APIs have become an integral part of the development best practices emerging in the Web Application industry today. REST is a logical choice for building APIs, as it allows users to connect and interact with cloud services.
Drupal 8 Custom Module Architecture: What’s Going On?
It is all fun and games modifying existing code, but what about when you have to venture out to unknown waters and create your own custom module? Don’t worry! We can get through this together!
Drupal 8 Theming Overview
Drupal 8 made huge improvements to the theme developer experience. Wrapping your head around all the changes can be intimidating but it doesn’t have to be.
Drupal 9 migrations for non-coders
Starting with Drupal 8, the Migrate API makes it possible to write and execute migrations without having to write PHP code.
Drupal and Container Orchestration: Using Kubernetes to Manage All the Things
Session Recording:
Drupal and USWDS v2 for Prototyping and Site Building
The recently-released Version 2 of the U.S. Web Design System has changed significantly from Version 1, and we'll unpack all the differences.
Drupal Console: An Overview of the New Drupal CLI
Speaker(s): jmolivas, enzo
Drupal Diversity & Inclusion: Building a Stronger Community
Diverse communities are strong communities, and Drupal is less diverse than we would like. Open source has the potential to transform society for the better, but we are currently missing out on much of that opportunity.
Drupal for Gov - Our experience with
When taking a law enforcement website from one platform to the next, it can seem like a daunting task with various stakeholders at play.
Drupal GovCon: The Making
Ever wonder what it takes to make Drupal GovCon a thing?
Ever wonder how we started and why the name change (Looking at you Drupal Gov Days and Capital Camp)?
Ever wonder about our budget or teams?
Drupal Hosted on Kubernetes
Run Drupal and other workloads such as SOLR, Elastic, Redis or Memcache in Kubernetes. In-depth analysis of which services are much more suited for Kubernetes.
Drupal Media :: Image Recognition :: AWS recognition
This session includes the interaction between the AWS Rekognition service to identify objects and faces in photos and the Drupal site using the Media Entity and Media Entity Image modules.
Drupal O&M and Governance for Government Agencies.
This session would be a panel of government IT managers that have implemented Drupal and present a discussion on how they manage operations & maintenance in their agencies.
Drupal Queued Batch Processing for Large Volume Transactions
There are occasions when transactions processing becomes a challenge due to the dataset being large in size, large in record volume, or both. This can result in the processing failing at any point before its completion.