Session Archive

Displaying 176 - 200 of 358 Sessions

I have a great idea for a module! Now what?

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): mandclu

One of the key strengths of Drupal is its flourishing ecosystem for contributed modules. Best of all, you can jump in and add your own module!

Session Track: Coding and Development
Technical Level: Beginner

I switched to Linux, you can too.

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): stephencross

In 2005 I made the switch from Windows to Mac as my primary desktop working environment.  Thirteen years later I made a similar switch to Linux.   And eighteen months after the switch, this Apple 'fan boy' is not looking back.

Session Track: Devops, Performance, Security, and Privacy
Technical Level: Beginner

Ignore the Naysayers: Your RFP Can Be Brilliant!

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): jcrespo

There’s been a lot of ink spilled about how the RFP process is broken, particularly when it comes to technology projects.

Session Track: Community and Being Human
Technical Level: Intermediate

Improving Drupal's Content Editor Experience

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): session-archive-bot

Media, layouts, and modern administration design are fundamental to creating a delightful user experience for everyone building with Drupal. 

Session Track: Site Building and Using Drupal
Technical Level: Beginner

Improving your Drupal 8 development workflow

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): jmolivas

Drupal 8 has changed a lot and the process for building a Drupal site is not the exception.

During this session, you will learn how to use composer to improve your development workflow.

Session Track: Coding and Development
Technical Level: Intermediate

Incorporating User Experience into Your Projects

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): karolus

User experience (UX) is the basis for all Web activity, and thus underpins everything we do in Web design and development. Successful projects bake UX in from the ground up, from discovery through planning, iteration, testing and deployment.

Session Track: Design, UX, and Accessibility
Technical Level: Beginner

Integrating 3rd party API’s with Drupal

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): ClintonAtMobomo

Description: Drupal has a great structure but what happens when you need more than Drupal can provide?

Session Track: Site Building and Using Drupal
Technical Level: Beginner

Integrating Drupal 8 with Salesforce

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): saratt

Drupal 8 is a powerful CMS, and integrating Salesforce with it—one of the most widely used CRMs in the market—makes it user/member focused, too. Many organizations use Salesforce as their CRM to store member information.

Session Track: Site Building and Using Drupal
Technical Level: Intermediate

Integrating Pattern Lab with Drupal 8

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): roshanad, kevinmcclos4

Pattern Lab is an incredibly powerful and flexible atomic design system that allows for rapid frontend development, and pairs well with our favorite CMS - Drupal.

Session Track: Design, UX, and Accessibility
Technical Level: Intermediate

Intuitive user experience for 320+ sites on one flexible platform!

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): annie stone, jessehs, candice.stennett, OliviaPhillips

Session Recording:

Session Track: Design, UX, and Accessibility
Technical Level: Beginner

It's Not You, It's Your Ticket: Ticketing Lessons from your Apartment

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): ekubokirs

Session Recording:

Session Track: Project and Team Management
Technical Level: Beginner

Join Us for DrupalGovCon 2019 Planning Team

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): Nneka

Join us to talk about volunteering for 2019 Drupal GovCon planning team.

Session Track: Community and Being Human
Technical Level: Beginner

JS like it's 2017

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): jpschroeder

Session Recording:

Session Track: Design, UX, and Accessibility
Technical Level: Intermediate

Keynote Roy Varghese

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): roy.varghese
Session Track: Keynote
Technical Level: Beginner

Keynote: Building Diversity in Open Source Communities

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): session-archive-bot

Join Allyson Kapin and Sibyl Edwards as they discuss building diversity…

Session Track: Keynote
Technical Level: Beginner

KEYNOTE: Hacking bureaucracy with human-centered design

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): session-archive-bot

Figuring out which problems to solve and getting things done can be especially challenging in large organizations with complex hierarchies like government.

Session Track: Keynote
Technical Level: Beginner

Keynote: Open Source Security Vulnerability Testing

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): session-archive-bot

Speakers: Laura Bell

Session Track: Keynote
Technical Level: Beginner

Keynote: The NIH.Gov Journey into Drupal

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): floraqian, rasheed

Richard Barnes serves as senior web designer of the website within the OD Online Information Branch at the National Institutes of Health.

Session Track: Keynote
Technical Level: Beginner

KEYNOTE: Using Your Passion and Skills to Power Open Source

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): stephencross, johnpicozzi

Open-source contribution comes in many shapes and sizes. While code is the most obvious contribution, there are many ways to help the Drupal project and community. 

Session Track: Keynote
Technical Level: Beginner

Leading Your Organization on the Cultural Journey from Waterfall Project Management to Agile/Lean Project Management

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): wabranty

Session Recording:

Session Track: Project and Team Management
Technical Level: Beginner

Lessons learned re-platforming on Drupal in 12 months

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): jeff.brauer, jeffrey barnes, ryansibley

What attendees will gain:

Session Track: Content Strategy and Analytics
Technical Level: Advanced

Let the Project Flow: Front end and PM lessons learned from building a Drupal 8 website for one of the nation’s largest water utilities

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): jds

Session Recording:

Session Track: Design, UX, and Accessibility
Technical Level: Intermediate

Let the Robots Win: Automation Working for You

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): kday, burnettjoshua1, cathleentracy

Giving up a manual task to automate it can feel like something straight out of a science fiction story like “Westworld”. Giving up the time required to innovate process improvements is also a difficult pill to swallow.

Session Track: Devops, Performance, Security, and Privacy
Technical Level: Intermediate

Let's learn Git. No more excuses.

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): mcdwayne

Whether it is for re-using the same code or deploying a bug fix or just for better document management, one of the most important leaps any site builder will ever take in their path towards becoming a developer is learning a version control…

Session Track: Coding and Development
Technical Level: Beginner

Let’s Talk about the "A" Word: Tips for Helping Reluctant Teams and Organizations to Embrace Agile

Conference Year:
Presenter(s): mknightjr

While many government agencies have moved to incorporate Agile methods into their web development practices in recent years, there are still just as many who are reluctant to make the shift for a variety of reasons (i.e.

Session Track: Project and Team Management
Technical Level: Beginner